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Morgan's Men Association, Inc.

Roster of 14th Kentucky Cavalry, CSA
Part I
Commissioned Officers and Enlisted Men
(Adams thru Kirley)
These are names and information compiled from National Archives microfilm. The writing is difficult to read so transcription errors are possible.
Commissioned Officers:
R. C. Morgan, Colonel
J. J. Cassell, Major (formally Captain Co. A 7th KY Cav - also called the 11th KY Cav)
Thomas Quirk, Captain, Co. B (Formally Capt. Quirk’s Co. Morgan’s Scouts)
George W. Owen, 1st Lt.
P. H. Gardener, 2nd Lt.
Frank Brady 2nd Lt
W. H. Morgan 2nd Lt (see P.O.W. records) McMinnville, TN January 1, 1862 to January 1, 1863
See p.p. of D.H. Llewellyn (AQM)
Lt. C. W. Beck, Co. C.
J. E. Harris, Capt., Co. D
James W. Payne, Capt.
Elijah Brown, 1st Lt. Co. F.
Enlisted |
Adams, P. E., private Co. D (Co A added); Private Co. D. Dukes 2nd Reg & KY Cav. P.O.W. Camp Morton July 23, 1863 captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863; 26 years, 6 ft., Blue eyes. Black hair, fair complexion. |
Adamson, James H. Co. D ( Co. C added) Sergeant; P.O.W. Camp Morton July 23, 1863 captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863; forwarded to Camp Douglass, Illinois August 1863. P.O.W. roll Sept. 1. 1863; Transferred to Point Lookout, Md. March 2, 1865 |
Allen, Henry Co. B (changed to Co. A) private P.O.W. Camp Morton July 23, 1863 captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas, Ill. Aug. 1863; escaped from prison square December 5, 1864 |
Allen, James P. Corporal Co B Captured Salineville, OH July 26, 1863. Received at Camp Chase, OH July 28, 11863 sent to Wellsville, Ohio - order of Gen Brooks. Transferred to Camp Douglas August 22, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD for exchange March 2, 1865. Receiving and Wayside Hospital or General Hospital # 9 Richmond, VA March 10, 1865. Disposition: Camp Lee |
Allen, James R. private Co D. (Changed to Corporal Co. B);see also 2nd Battn. KY. MTD Rifles |
Allen, James private Capt. Thomas Quirk’s Co. Morgan’s Scouts; Enlisted October 27, 1861 at Green River - by Col. Johnson; January 1, 1862 to January 1, 1863; absent - sick in hospital since Sept. 25, 1863 |
Alston, Waldemar Lt. Co. G. paid by voucher from Marengo Co., AL; special Order 196/17 dated Aug. 19, 1864 subject - Leave; Pay voucher $76.50, pay voucher #221 $270.00 3 months @ $90.00 per month (from Aug 1864 to Nov. 1864) Letter from father dated August 27, 1864 (Father was Hon. ?(unreadable) J. Alston) |
Amet, John private Co A;(See also Arnett, John and Arnett, David) |
Arnet, Leak private Co. A; P.O.W. Camp Morton July 23, 1863 captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863;Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. |
Arnett, David private Co A;(see also Hiram 2nd KY Cav) |
Arnett, Hiram private Co B. (Changed to Co A);(see also 2nd KY. Cav.) |
Arnett, John private Co. A; P.O.W. 1863 captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863; Paroled Camp Douglass and transferred to Point Lookout, MD for exchange March 2, 1865 |
Arnett, R. M private Co. B Arrested at Pomroy, OH. July 20, 1863. Camp Chase, OH July 26, 1863. Sent to Cinncinnati, OH by order of Brig. Gen Cox; Paid Sept 23, 1863 $96.00 for April 30, 1863 to Aug. 31, 1863; Paid November 16, 1863 by D. H. Llewellyn in the amount of $48.40 for Aug. 13, 1863 to Oct. 31, 1863 |
Arnott, J. L. private Co B. (Changed to Co A) Enlisted October 27, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson. Enlistment to be from Jan 1, 1862 through Jan 1, 1863; Paid by Maj. Boyd Oct. 27, 1862 $25.60 (horse); Paid on Nov. 9, 1863 by D. H. Llewellyn for May 1, 1863 to Aug. 31, 1863 $97.20 |
Ash, Charles private Co B (changed to Co. A) Capt. Thomas Quirk’s Co. (Morgan’s Scouts) of Gen’l Morgan’s brigade; Enlisted: October 25, 1861 at Horse Cave by Gen. Reed. Paid by Maj. Boyd to Jan. 1, 1862 for horse: $144.00; * This company subsequently became Co. B. 14th Kentucky |
Ashby, John J. private Co. D P.O.W. Camp Douglas, Chicago, Ill. Captured at Cheshire, Ohio July 20, 1863 rec’d at camp Aug. 18th , 1863 Transferred to Point Lookout, MD |
Ashford, J. C. private Co. A (Capt. Thomas Quirk’s Co.) Enlisted at Green River Oct. 27, 1861 by Col. Johnson. Paid by Capt. Butler to Oct. 31, 1862 $144.00 - horse Present; Detailed as Hospital Stewart 10 months. * This Co. Became Co. B 14th KY. |
Astib, W. H. private Co. A |
Astill, W H. Captured near Buffington Island, Ohio July 19, 1863. Age 28, height 5' 6'’. Eyes hazel, hair black, complexion red. Voucher #2034 18 Nov, 1862 $90.00 W. H. Auslett 2nd Lt. from 1 Oct. 1862 to 31 Oct. 1862. |
Aubrey, Clayton C. private Co. B; Captured near Buffington Island, Ohio July 19, 1863. Transferred from Camp Morton to Camp Douglas, Ill. Aug. 17, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. March 10, 1865 admitted to Camp Lee. |
Austell, William H. Co. A private;Captured near Buffington Island, Ohio July 19, 1863 |
Ballard, Thomas J. private Co. A. Captured near Buffington Island, Ohio July 19, 1863. Recd Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Forwarded to Camp Douglas, Ill. Aug. 17, 1863 Ballou, Thomas P. private Co. A Captured at Salineville, KY July 26, 1863. Sent to Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, Md. For exchange March 2, 1865. Residence - Davidson Co., TN, complexion fair, hair brown, eyes brown, 6' 1' Enlisted December 1, 1861. |
Bangs, Samuel K. private Co. D;(see also S. K. Bangs Co. A 9th KY Cav.) |
Barbee, Joseph A. private Co. H. Captured at Bristol, TN Dec. 14, 1864. Sent to Chattanooga, Tn Dec. 25, 1864. P.O.W. at Nashville, TN. Captured by forces under Maj. Gen. Thomas, Commanding the Dept. Of Cumberland and forwarded to Capt. S. E. Jones (dated Jan. 8, 1865);Forwarded to Louisville, KY, January 8, 1865. Discharged Jan 14th 1865 to Camp Chase, OH; Transferred to Point Lookout, MD Feb. 17, 1865 for exchange. Admitted to hospital April 21, 1865 - Jackson Hospital, Richmond, VA. Moved to General Hospital Howards Grove, Richmond, VA March 16, 1865; died July 21, 1865. |
Barlow, Robert P. private Co. D. captured Auburn, KY Oct. 17, 1863 recd. Oct 22, 1863; Discharged Oct. 26, 1863;“This man escaped prison at Camp Douglas, Ill on or about Midnight of 12th Oct. By bribing the guards in some manner unknown to us.” |
Barlow, Robert private Co. C (or D); captured Cheshire, OH July 20,1863 |
Beach, Henry W. (William or Winton) private Co. B or C Morgan’s Scouts. Captured near Murfreesboro, TN. Forwarded to Nashville, TN - Jan. 10, 1863. Sent to Point James River, VA. Feb. 11, 1863. Paroled at City Point, VA (not dated) Recaptured Captured near Buffington Island, Ohio July 19, 1863. Rec’d Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas April 17, 1863. Sent to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865.*Between Jan. 10, 1863 and July 23, 1863 he changed from “Morgan’s Scouts” to Co. B 14th KY Cav. |
Beach, Henry private Co. B; Enlisted Nov. 20, 1862 at Black’s Shop for “the war.” by Maj. Llewellen.Remarks: Was sent to Murfreesboro on Flag of Truce and was detained by Gen. Rosecrans. |
Beach, William private Co B, 2nd KY Cav.; Jan. 1, 1864 to April 30, 1864 paid by J. Ambler $48.00; Remarks: 14th KY Cav. |
Beard, Joseph H. private Co. A; Captured near Buffington Island, Ohio July 19, 1863 died May 1, 1864. Cause of death: small pox. Locality of grave: Near Camp Douglas; Appears on report of P.O.W.s who died at Camp Douglas, Ill. May 1, to May 15, 1864 |
Beech, William private Co. B; Mustered: Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863 Enlisted Sept. 27, 1862 at Mobile by Lt. Shadburn. Paid $168.80 recd. Morristown, TN. Aug. 11, 1863. Paid April 30, 1864 from July 1, 1864 to April 1864 (?) $48.00 |
Beeler, Chas. Private Co. B Morgan’s Cav. Discharged June 8, 1862 |
Beeler, James C. private Co. B Captured near Buffington Island, Ohio July 19, 1863. Rec’d July 23, 1863 at Camp Morton. Rec’d at Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Transferred Point Lookout, Md. March 2, 1865;* Also states: Co. B 1st Cav. KY.; Enlisted Sept. 25, 1861 at Green River by Col. Hawes (?) For 1 year. Paid by Capt. Wilson Oct. 31, 1862 $24.00 for horse. Admitted March 10, 1865 at Receiving and Wayside Hospital #9 Richmond, VA. Disposition: Camp Lee. |
Bennet, James M. Sgt. Co. D (changed to C); Captured near Buffington Island, Ohio July 19, 1863; POW Camp Morton Indiana rec’d July 23, 1863; Paroled at Camp Douglas and transferred for exchange to Point Lookout, MD. March 2, 1865; Residence: Crittenton Co., KY Complexion fair, hair brown, eyes hazel, 6'1/2'’; Remarks: Volunteer - Volunteered Aug. 19, 1862 |
Berry, Samuel C. private Co. A.;(Cards filed with Samuel O. Berry)Captured near Buffington Island, Ohio July 19, 1863; Rec’d Camp Morton July 23, 1863 and forwarded to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863; Service from April 30, 1863 - Oct. 31, 1863 pd. Dec. 8, 1863 by J. Ambler - $104.00; Paid Aug. 31, to Oct. 31, 1863 on Dec. 8, 1863 by J. Ambler $48.00; *states: 16th KY. Cav |
Berry, Thomas private Co. B;(see also 2nd (Duke’s) KY Cav); Enlisted Oct. 27, 186? (Unreadable) at Green River by Col. Johnson for 1 year. Paid by Maj. Boyd for horse - $144.00;Muster roll from Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863 Paid T. F. Berry service from 31, Aug. 1863 to 27 Feb. 1864 on March 22, 1864 $260.00 by D. H. Llewellyn.Remarks: Was Sgt. Until Dec. 10, 1862 |
Bess, Charles H. private Co. B Captured in Corydon or Hardin, Ind. July 9, 1863. P.O.W.;Rec’d at Military Prison, Louisville, KY July 29, 1863. Remarks: Morgan’s man. Transferred to Fort Delaware March 22, 1864. Place of residence: Jefferson Co., KY Complexion ruddy, hair brown, eyes grey, 5' 7" Released at Fort Delaware June 9, 1865 |
Bethard, Henry private Co. A (cards filed with Henry S. Bethard) P.O.W. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Captured July 19, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865 |
Biggerstaff, Benjamin private Co. A (changed to Captain) Biggerstaff, Benjamin B. 2 (Duke’s) KY. Cav. |
Blaine, J. S. Register of C.S.A. dead. Died May 6, 1863 Petersburg, VA. Morgan’s Scout’s Jacket in 14th KY. $29.75 Amount of money left. |
Borland, Robert private Co. C P.O.W. Rec’d at Camp Chase, OH. July 26, 1863 Captured Cheshire, OH July 20, 1863. Departed to Camp Douglas Aug. 20, 1863. Also written: Boslan |
Boulware, Abram T. private Co. D;(filed with Bulwer, Abraham T) |
Bowers, John private Co. D Captured at Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Rec’d at Camp Douglas in August, 1863 |
Bowers, John private Co. D. In hospital 21 Military Prison Hospital, Richmond, VA; Died Jany. 25, 1864 disease - diaarrhoea |
Bowles, John private Co. D captured at Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Received at Camp Morton July 23, 1863. |
Boyd, Francis M. private Co. A Captured at Chester, OH. July 19, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 23, 1865. Released June 23, 1865, Transported to Lexington, KY. |
Boyd, Joshua private Co. ?; Oath Residence Robinson Co. TN. Complexion fair, hair, light, eyes grey, 5' 10"; Remarks: No family and “signs by mark.” |
Boyet, W.J.H. private Co D (see also: W.J.H. Boyd 14th TN Infantry.); See also: W.J.H. Boyd 14th TN Inf.; Paid 7 March, 1863 to 1 March, 1864 by D. H. Llewellyn $424.98 for clothing and bounty; Paid for 1 March to 1 May, 1864 on 30 July, 1864 by G. N. Eakin $24.00; Changed from Co. C to Co. H; Enlisted McMinnville, TN Residence: Stewart Co., TN 21 years old, complexion dark, hair dark, eyes (unreadable) |
Brady, Frances 1st Lt. Morgan’s Scouts P.O.W. captured at Murfreesboro TN. Transferred to Nashville, TN. P.O.W. Camp Chase Ohio. 5'9", 26 years, eyes grey, hair dark, complexion dark. P.O.W. Fort Delaware April 9, 1863 forwarded April 9, 1863 to City Point for exchange. April 29, 1863 admitted to Petersburg VA. Hospital on May 29, 1864 as Captain. |
Brady, Frank 3rd Lt. (Changed to Captain); See also Francis Brady 2nd KY Mounted Inf. Muster roll 3rd Lt. Jan 1, 1862 to Jan 1, 1863. Absent: Was sent to Murfreesboro on flag of truce and was retained by Gen. Rosecrans. |
Brewer, James W. private Co. C (Co. B Morgan’s Squad - Beard’s Co.);Captured Lincoln, CO. KY Aug. 26, 1862; Arrived Camp Chase,, OH. Sept. 2, 1862; Transferred to Johnson’s Island Sept. 6th, 1862; Sent from Depot P.O.W. camp near Sandusky, OH to Vicksburg for exchange. Captured Corydon, IN July 9, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Discharged Camp Morton July 29, 1863. Died Nov. 16, 1864 at Camp Douglas of Small pox. Grave: near Camp Douglas. While at Camp Chase he was 20 years, 5' 9 3/4", hazel eyes, light hair. |
Brinkley, J. A. private Co. H. P.O.W. captured Richmond, VA April 3, 1865 |
Brooks, Thomas R. private Co. B Captured June 22, 1864 at Mt. Sterling, KY. Military P.O.W. at Louisville, KY. Discharged to Camp Douglas July 30, 1964. Released Feb. 24, 1865. Took oath. Residence St. Louis, MO. Complexion fair, hair light, eyes gray, 5' 8" Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. |
Brown, Elijah 1st Lt. Co. F Captured Overton Co., TN May 14, 1864 P.O.W. record Sandusky, OH. Transferred to Point Lookout Feb. 16, 1865 |
Brown, George private Co. B. Enlisted Oct. 27, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson for 1 year. Jan 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863 on roll. Paid by Maj. Boyd Jan. 1, 1862 $144.00 for horse. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Taken to Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. (By this time a Sgt.) Camp Douglas Dec. 2, 1863 age 29, 5'8", gray eyes, light hair, complexion light. |
Brown, William H. private Co. D captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 taken to Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Became Sgt. Co. D. Sent to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. |
Bryant, Ezekiel private Co. D Enlisted Jan. 1, 1863 at Lebanon, TN by Capt. Paine - “for the war.” Never paid. Muster roll of a detachment of paroled and exchanged prisoners at Camp Lee near Richmond, VA. Oath: Residence: Wilson Co., TN Complexion fair, hair brown, eyes blue, 5' 8". Deserted Jan. 4, 1865. Remarks: No family |
Bryant, J. W. private Co. A (later Co. D) Captured at Wilson Co., TN June 15, 1863. P.O.W. muster Louisville, KY. Sent to Camp Chase, OH June 29, 1863. (Wesley Bryant) Transferred to Fort Delaware July 14, 1863. Fort Delaware records: Captured Nelson Creek TN. Took oath April 1865. Residence: Wilson Co., KY. Complexion dark, hair dark, eyes hazel, 5' 10". |
Bulwer, Abraham T. private Co. D (See also A. J. Boulware Co. G, 9th KY. Cav.) |
Burk, Edward D. 1st Sergeant Co. D (changed to Co. C) Captured Buffington Island. P.O. W. Camp Morton. Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. P.O.W. “Wants to take the oath.” Discharged May 12, 1865 Camp Douglas. Residence: Dina Co, OH, Complexion fair, hair light, eyes grey, 5'5" Remarks: Wellington, Ohio |
Burke, Curtis R. private Co. B. Enlisted December 1, 1862 at Blacksmith Shop by ----- Morgan for the duration of the war. Curtis R. Burke was “taken” at Murfreesboro, TN. Jan. 10, 1863 and sent to Point James River, VA. Feb., 1863. At Fort McHenry Feb. 14, 1863. Exchanged Feb. 15, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island. P.O.W. Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas then to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. Paid $74.00 Dec.1, 1862 to Dec. 31, 1862 |
Burke, Esquire private Co. C Captured Buffington Island, Ohio July 19, 1863. Remarks: Madison Co., Ohio |
Burnes, Thomas Sergeant Co. G Captured at Lloyds Mountain, Va. May 11, 1864. P.O.W. Camp Chase. Enlisted in U.S. Navy July 21, 1864 |
Byrne, Charles M. private Co B (old 1st Regt. KY Cav.) Enlisted Oct. 27, 1861 at Green River for 1 year. Muster dated Jan 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Last paid by Maj. Boyd through Jan.1, 1862 horse $144.00 Captured at Dennison, Ohio July 14, 1863. Paroled at Camp Douglass and transferred to Point Lookout, MD for exchange March 2, 1865. |
Calvin, John W. private Co. B. Enlisted Oct. 27, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson for 1 year. Never paid. Paid for horse - $169.60; Arrested Cheshire, OH July 20, 1863. Camp Chase July 26, 1863 Whence to Cinncinnati, OH by order of Brig. Gen’l Cox. Died of Diarrhora Jan. 15, 1865 Grave # 776. Locality of grave 1/3 mile south of Camp Chase. |
Camden, John S. private Co. A Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. P.O.W. Camp Morton received July 23, 1863. Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, Md March 2, 1865. |
Cantrell, James private Co. D. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. Forwarded to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. |
Carpenter, James (G or T) private Co. B Enlisted Oct. 27, 186? At Green River by Col. Johnson for 1 year. Muster Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Last paid by Capt. Butler to Oct. 31, 1862. P.O.W. Camp Morton, OH Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. |
Carter, Joseph J. private Co. A Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. Camp Morton July 23, 1863 forwarded to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. |
Castleberry, William N (signed by mark) private Co. F Entered service: Volunteered Dec. 1863. Captured Burton, KY Jan 1, 1864. Took oath May 5, 1865. Residence Marshall Co, KY. Complexion fair, hair light, eyes gray, 5' 9" Remarks: No family. Paroled Camp Morton and forwarded to Point Lookout, MD via the B & O railroad. |
Chandler, William I. private No Co given. Volunteered Dec. 12, 1864. Deserted March 15, 1865 Took oath April 18, 1865 Remarks: No family Residence: Wilson Co. KY. Complexion fair, hair dark, eyes blue, 6'1" |
Cherry, Jessee private (signed by mark) Surrendered Washington, (GA?) May 10, 1865. Took oath May 21, 1865. Residence: Campbell Co. KY. Complexion dark, hair dark, eyes blue, 5'11" |
Cherry, Wilson H. private Co. B Captured Corydon, Ind July 9, 1863. Forwarded to Camp Douglas from Camp Morton Aug. 17, 1863 |
Cherry, Wilson H. private Co. B P.O.W. Louisville, KY recd. July 18, 1863. Captured at Gainsboro, TN on July 30, 1863. Discharged to Camp Morton July 29, 1863. Died Camp Morton Aug. 16, 1863 |
Chesman, J. T. private Co D Captured Wayne Co., AL P.O.W. Louisville, KY. Took oath - discharged July 1864. Roll of deserters from Rebel Army recd. June 7, 1864, reported to Louisa, KY - date reported May 24, 1864. Discharged July 7, 1864 by order of Capt. S.E. Jones. Remarks: Oath & to remain north of the Ohio River til further orders. Residence: Wayne Co., KY, Complexion light, hair dark, eyes hazel 5'6" |
Churchill, Sam’l Sgt. Enlisted Sept. 25. 186? At Green River by Gen’l Reed. Paid by Capt. Wilson through Oct. 31, 1862. Remarks: Captured near Green River, Dec. 25, 1862. |
Clark, E. B. private Co. E Captured or arrested at Bardstown, KY July 5, 1863 by Capt. Smith of the 9th Mich. Confined July 28, 1863 at McLean Barracks, Cinn., OH. Sent to Camp Chase. Sent to Rock Island, Ill rec’d. From Camp Chase Jan 24, 1864. Forwarded to Point Lookout, MD Feb. 15, 1865. March 9, 1865 - exchanged. |
Clark, E.B. P.O.W. Corps: Johnsons Paroled May 1865 Authority of Gen. Sherman. Age 28, eyes grey, hair black, complexion dark, Residence Louisville KY. |
Clark, Stephen private Co. D. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. P.O.W. Camp Chase July 23, 1863. Transferred to Camp Delaware March 19, 1864. * The name Stephen canceled in pencil and Samuel appears in register. |
Clay, William (G. B.) Private Co D. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. P.O.W. Camp Morton and transferred to Camp Douglass Aug. 1863 |
Clayton, Wiley private Volunteered Dec. 25, 1863 deserted Dec. 15, 1864 Took oath on March 25, 1865. Residence: Montgomery Co., TN. Complexion fair, hair light, eyes grey, 6' 11"; Remarks: No family |
Clemm, William private Co. B Captured at Cynthiana June 14, 1864. P.O.W. Louisville, KY |
Cocker, H private Co. H Captured at Cynthiana, KY June 14, 1864. Rec’d at Louisville, KY June 24, 1864. Captured at Tick Town, KY and sent to Camp Morton June 25, 1864. H. B. Crocker of New London, Conn. Took oath Jan. 6, 1865 complexion dark, hair brown, eyes hazel, 5' 6 1/4". Letter in file dated January 5, 1865 from office of Commissary Gen. Of Prisons. |
Cockrell, Augustus W. private Co. A P.O.W. Camp Morton. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863 sent to Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD Feb. 21, 1865. |
Colgan, E. (Now in Co. B) captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 and sent to sent Camp Morton. Transferred to Camp Douglass during Aug. 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. |
Colgan, E. C., private Quirk’s Scouts Captured near Auburn Feb. 7, 1863 by “U.S. Calvary.”Paroled Feb. 8, 1863 and forwarded to Nashville." |
Colgan, Edward private Co. D Enlisted Oct. 5, 1861 at Horse Cave by Gen’l Reed for 1 year. Jan 1, 1862 to Jan.1 1863. Enlisted at Horse Cove, by Gen’l Reed for 1 year. Jan. 1, 1862 - Jan. 1, 1863. Captured at Lebanon, KY May 5, 1862. Exchanged from Camp Chase, OH Aug. 25, 1862; Roll bears the following endorsements : “On board the steamer Jno. H. Done near Vicksburg, MS Sept. 11, 1862. Received the following named prisoners of war amounting to Ten hundred and twenty in number. N.G. Watts, Maj. And agent for the exchange on prisoners of war. Wm. H. Ludlow, LT. Col. & agent for exchange Alken’s Landing, Nov. 18, 1860.” |
Colgan, Edwin C. private Co. B Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas and then to Point Lookout, MD. March 2, 1865. (Name appears in Col. Of signature as Edwin C. Colgan - filed with Edward Colgan.)*Roll number 106, 166 or 165, Fort Delaware bears the following endorsement which applies to the men whose names are borne on the roll: “Received, Boulware & Cox’s wharves, James River, Va. March 10, 11, and 12th, 1863 from Jno. E. Mulford, Col. And U.S Asst. Agt. Exch three thousand, four hundred and ninety nine men (3499) Paroled Confederate Prisoners of War, including Forty three Officers, on within rolls. W. H. Hatch, Asst Agent of Exchange. |
Compery, Richard/Robert private Co D (or Co C) captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 and sent to sent Camp Morton. Transferred to Camp Douglass during Aug. 1863. Camp Douglas - Remarks: Claims to have been loyal. Enlisted through false representations. Was captured. Wants to take oath of allegiance. Released Camp Douglas May 19, 1865. Oath: Residence Davidson Co. TN, complexion Fair, hair brown, eyes grey, 5' 7" Nashville, TN (signs by mark) |
Cook, J. private Co ? Captured Labanon, June 19, 1863. Paroled at Fort Delaware July 30, 1863. Signs by mark. |
Cook, Jordon private Co B Enlisted Dec. 5, 1862 at Black’s Shop by Maj. Llewellyn for the war. T. Jordon Cook pay as private Jan.1, 1862 to Dec. 31, 1862 12 months @ $12.00 per month. Paid March 11 $322.20 from Maj. Llewellyn, McMinnville, TN in full of above account. Signed Jordon Cook. $144.00 for horse. Clothing $50.00 Less amount paid ___ Roll of Scouts $95.80 Dec. 15, 1863; Capt. Thomas Quirk’s Co. Of Morgan’s Scouts subsequently became Co. B 14th KY Cav. |
Corbett, C. C. Captain Residence Stewart C— (unreadable) Complexion ruddy, hair dark, 5' 6" Released June 10, 1865 (name appearing in column of names present as Christ (?) C. Corbett |
Cosgrove, James C. private (no Co. Given) Captured Lincolnton, N.C. April 18, 1865. Took oath to the oath sworn and subscribed to before W. H. Bracken, 1st Lt. and Asst. Provost Marshall, Gen’l Dept. Of the Cumberland, at Nashville, TN (signs by mark). Endorsement shows: “Roll of Prisoners of War who voluntarily surrender themselves, took the oath of allegiance and were allowed to return home.” Pension papers say: “I was riding with Basil Duke at the end of the war.” |
Costetber, N. M. private Co. F (changed to Co C) Captured Marshal Co., Tn Jan. 10, 1864 Rec’d Camp Morton Feb. 15, 1864. Remarks: Transferred for exchange March 15, 1865 |
Cotton, C. M. (Or C. W.) Private no Co. Given Captured at Lebanon June 19, 1863. Paroled Fort Delaware July 30, 1863. (Signs by mark) |
Cox, Andrew P. T. Sergeant; Took oath May 21st, 1865 at Nashville, TN. Residence Fleming Co, KY. Complexion fair, hair brown, eyes grey, 5, 10" Surrendered at Washington, GA |
Cox, S.T. private Co. B (Quirk’s Cavalry) Enlisted Dec. 5, 1862 at Black’s Shop by Maj. Llewellyn for the war. Stenson Cox - sick and wounded Virginia Hospital Petersburg, VA. July 1863. Died July 18, 1863 of “Febris Typhoidas” |
Creswell, L. D. private Co. D Captured at Silver Spring, TN Aug. 26, 1863. P.O.W. Nashville, TN Aug. 1863. Died at Camp Douglas January 25, 1864. Cause of death “Inflammation ---- Rheuma------” (unreadable) grave # 980 Chicago City Cemetery. |
Crews, James Co A, Sergeant; See Cruse, James. |
Crocker, H private Co. F |
Crouch, James H. private Co G |
Cunningham, G. W. private Co. G (see also George W. Cunningham 6th KY Calvary) |
Cunningham, George private Co. A Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 . Transferred to Camp Douglass during Aug. 1863. Released and took oath Jan. 28th, 1864. Residence Co. Of Bourbon, KY, Complexion light, hair dark, eyes dark, 5' 11". |
Curd, John C private Co. B (see also 2nd Mtd. Inf.) Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas during Aug. 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. |
Curd, John C. private Co B (see also Curds) |
Curd, W. E. private Co A Letter dated to Hon. Siddon May 28, 1864 asking for an appointment to KY. Cav. And to be made an officer. Written from Saltville, VA. List of P.O.W.s paroled May 1, to 31st at various places in VA, WV and Maryland. Paroled Charleston, WV (see also W.E. Burd) Took oath May 24th, 1865. Age 32, Complexion fair, eyes hazel, hair light, 5' 8". |
Cushing, George R. private ( no Company given) On roll April 30, 1863 - Aug. 31, 1863 Paid Sept. 8, 1863 by D. H. Llewellyn. |
D.H. W. Dorsey Apt. Surg. Camp Md. Appears on a recpt. Roll for clothing for 2nd quarter 1864. Date of issue: April 30, 186_. Appears on a List of Medical Officers, physicians employed under contract and Hospital Stewards, serving in 1st Div. Winder Hospital Richmond, VA 1863. |
Dale, James private Co D Captured Bath Co., KY July 16, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD Feb. 24, 1865. |
Daniels, Charles T. private Co D (changed to Co C) Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 and sent to sent Camp Morton. Transferred to Camp Douglass during Aug. 1863. Escaped Camp Douglas during Nov. 1863. |
David J. Thompson private Co b POW Camp Douglas. Captured Springfield, KY July 6, 1863. Rec’d Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred March 14, 1865. Remarks: Point Lookout, MD. D. Thompson private Co. B on list of POWs Louisville, KY July 14, 1863. Taken : At Harrodsburg. Sent to Camp Morton Aug. 28, 1863. Remarks: Transferred for exchange Feb. 19, 1865. Davis M. Thompson private Co. B. Transferred to Pt. Lookout, MD Feb. 19, 1865.(It seems David J. Thompson and Daniel J. Thompson are filed together.) |
Davies, Franklin Private Co. B (also listed as Frank Davis and Frank R.) |
Davis, Frank Enlisted Jan 1, 1862 to Jan 1, 1863 on Oct. 5, 1861 at Horse Cove by Gen’l Reed. Paid by Maj. Boyd, Jan. 1, 1862 for horse $144.00 Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 and sent to sent Camp Morton. Transferred to Camp Douglass during Aug. 1863. Transferred Feb. 24, 1865 to Point Lookout, MD. |
Davis, William H. private Co. C Captured at Salineville, OH July 26, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout Feb. 24, 1865. |
Deering, John R. private (filed with Co K, 12th Miss. Inf.) |
Delany, James private Co.D Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 and sent to Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglass during Aug. 1863. |
Dizer, Christopher private Co. A (filed with Christopher Driver) |
Doak, Wiley H. private Co A |
Donovant, Williams private Co. B (Quirk’s) Enlisted July 15, 1862 at Midway by Gen’l Morgan for the duration of the war. |
Dorsey, Henry W. Subject: Assignment Special Order 73/15 March 26th or 28th 1864. Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, Confederate States. Contains information relative to the man named, on the subject mentioned above. |
Driver, Christopher M private Co A. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 and sent to sent Camp Morton. Transferred to Camp Douglass during Aug. 18, 1863. Released Jan. 31, 1865. Remarks: Claims to have been loyal. Enlisted through false representation. Was captured and desires to take oath of allegiance to the U.S. and become a loyal citizen. Oath: residence Davidson Co., Tn complexion light, hair dark, eyes blue, 5'9". Enlisted Dec. 20, 1862. |
Duckworth, John private Co D. (Also see John S. Duckworth 9th KY Cavalry) |
Easley William w. private Co. B Enlisted Oct. 27, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson. 1 year - paid by Maj. Boyd - horse $144.00. Capt. Thomas Quirk’s Co. (Morgan’s Scouts) of Genr’l John H Morgan’s Brigade. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Sent to Camp Douglas during Aug. 1863. |
Edgar, Alexander private Co. B. Enlisted Jan 1, 1862 to Jan.1, 1863 on Oct. 27, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson. Paid by Maj. Boyd to Jan. 1, 1862 $144.00 for horse. Remarks: Was Sergeant until Nov. 15, 1862. Was captured in KY. Dec. 25, 1862 but was exchanged. Captured Cheshire, OH July 20, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglass Aug. 18, 1863. Discharged May 17, 1865. Applied to take oath Jan. 1865 at Camp Douglas. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. |
Edgar, John R. private Co. B Arrested at Cheshire, OH. July 20, 1863. Rec’d Camp Chase July 26, 1863. Whence to Cincinnati, OH by order of Brig. Gen’l Cox. Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Discharged from Camp Douglas May 17, 1865 pursuant to order from Commissary Gen’l of Prisoners, Washington, D.C. dated May 8, 1865. Oath: Residence Lexington, KY, Complexion dark, hair black, eyes hazel, 5'8" |
Elder, Henry C. Sergeant Co B 2nd (Duke’s) KY Cavalry. Enlisted Oct. 27, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson. Jan 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863 Paid by Maj. Boyd to Jan 1, 1862 $144.00 for horse. Remarks: Was Corpl. from Jan 1862 until June 1862 and Sergt. Until Dec. 15, 1862. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 and sent to sent Camp Morton. Rec’d Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas during Aug. 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD for exchange Feb. 24, 1865. |
Elliot, Truman private Co. D Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 and sent to sent Camp Morton. Transferred to Camp Douglass during Aug. 18,1863. Died Feb. 5th, 1865 Cause of Death General Debility. Location of grave: The vault - C.H. Jourden - Undertaker. |
Elliott, G. M. private Co. A Captured at Big Sandy River Oct. 11, 1863 and held from Oct. 22, 1863 at Military Prison Louisville, KY. P.O.W. roll says: Arrived at Military Prison, Louisville, KY for 5 days ending Oct. 25, 1863. Name is borne under the following heading: “POW at Louisa, KY.” Station: Cattettsburg, KY. Captured at Buffalo Furnace Oct. 11, 1863. |
English, Andrew W. private Co D Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 and sent to sent Camp Morton on July 23, 1863. Escaped. |
Esley, William private Co. B (see Easley, William private Co. B) |
Estep, Henry B. private Co. H P.O.W. at Sandusky, OH June 12, 1863. Remarks: Sentenced to death. Transferred to Fort Delaware Sept. 6, 1865 by order of Secty of War dated Sept. 1, 1865. Paroled at Johnson’s Island, OH and forwarded to City Point, VA for exchange Feb. 24, 1865. Roll dated Headquarters U.S. Forces, Johnson’s Island Feb. 24, 1865 - Court Martial led Western Union telegram included asking for postponement of execution. |
Ester, Otho private Co. D (or Co C - Estis, Otho, or Estis, Otto) Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 and sent to sent Camp Morton. Transferred to Camp Douglass during Aug. 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD Feb. 25, 1865. Camp Douglas rolls show: Corpl. Co. C |
Evans, Peter private Co D (see also 2nd (Duke’s) KY Cavalry |
Fallis, George C. private Co. C (Capt. J. J. Murphy’s Co. Detached Cav. Morgan’s Brigade) Enlisted at Lexington, KY by Capt. J.J. Murphy for duration of war. Payment $50.00 Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 and sent to sent Camp Morton. Transferred to Camp Douglas during Aug. 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, Md, March 2, 1865. Exchanged at City Point, VA March 14, 1865. * The duplicate roll which was sent to the Commissary General of Prisoners (11105 - O.C.G.P. - 1865) shows that the men whose names are borne on this roll were forwarded to Point Lookout for exchange March 13, 1865. Roll No. 8 Elmira, N.Y. bears the following endorsement which also applies to the men whose names are borne on this roll: “Rec’d Boulware’s Wharf, James River, VA. March 18th and 21st , 1865 from Bvt. Brig. Gen. Jno. E. Mulford U.S. Assistant Agent Exchange, nine hundred and eighty two (982) paroled prisoners of war on within rolls. W.H. Hatch, Asst. Agent of Exchange. |
Farenell, Henry private Co. A (filed with Henry A. Farewell - sometimes spelled Farwell); Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 and sent to sent Camp Morton. Transferred to Camp Douglass during Aug. 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD Feb. 24, 1865 |
Farmer, Good private Co. A (filed with Joseph G. Farmer) Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 and sent to sent Camp Morton. Transferred to Camp Douglass during Aug.18, 1863. Jan. 21, 1864 Remarks: Does not want to be exchanged. Asked to be discharged. Paroled at Camp Douglas and sent to Point Lookout, MD Feb. 24, 1865. |
Farnell, Henry private Co A.(filed with Henry A. Farewell) |
Faulkner, James T. Sergeant Co D Captured Lebanon Pike. TN. Rec’d Military Prison, Louisville, KY June 26, 1863. Sent to Camp Chase, OH June 29, 1863. Sent to Fort Delaware from Camp Chase, OH July 14, 1863. Rec’d Fort Delaware & discharged Dec. 24, 1864 by order of the Secty of War. Remarks: Conscript. Oath: Residence Davidson Co, TN, complexion dark, hair black, eyes black, 5' 8 1/4". By order of Sec. Of War. |
Feldburg, Chas. P. 2 Lt. Co. C Voucher for pay: $360.00 |
Finley, Thomas private Co. D. On roll of deserters rec’d. Nov. 18, 1863. Where: ______ (unreadable) Co. KY. Discharged Nov. 19, 1863 Remarks: Oath and sent north. Captured R. Wayne Co. VA. Oath: dated Nov. 20, 1863, Residence Wayne Co, VA., Complexion light, hair dark, eyes grey, 5'11". Remarks: Oath and sent north of Ohio River by order of Gen. Boyle. (Signs by mark) |
Fisher, John W private Co. D Enlisted Oct. 1, 1863 in Lexington, KY by Capt. J. J. Murphy for the war. $50.00 due. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Sent to Camp Morton. Forwarded to Camp Douglas. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Sent to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. |
Flemming, Frank P. private Co A Captured at Mount Sterling, KY June 9, 1864. Admitted June 28, 1864 to U.S.A. General Hospital, Lexington, KY from Mt. Sterling. Diagnosis: Gunshot wound to the left forearm injuring the wrist. Severe. Treatment: Simple dressing. Missel: Pistol ball. Transferred to General Hospital July 1, 1864. Remarks: Sent to Louisville, KY July 1, 1864. P.O.W. roll Military Prison Louisville, KY. Sent to Camp Morton, Ind. July 6, 1864 and forwarded via Baltimore, Md. to Point Lookout, MD for exchange in pursuance of instructions received from the Commissary General of prisoners, dated, Washington, D.C. Feb. 14, 1865 |
Ford, Thomas private Co. B Enlisted Jan. 10, 1862 at Bell’s Tavern by Capt. Bowles for 1 year. Last paid by Capt. Wilson Oct. 31, 1862. Absent - Sick in Hospital in Chattanooga since Sept. 25, 1862. |
Foree, Edwin B private Co D. Captured Somerset, Ky (Casey CO KY) Feb. 7, 1863. Rec’d at Camp Chase, OH and then taken to Kemper (?) Barracks by order of Lt. Col. Eastman on Aug. 24, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. * List of rebel & political prisoners confined at Kemper Barracks, Cinn., OH the morning of July 20, 1863, including those released July 19, 1863. Confined by Capt. Williams. Released July 19 by Lt. Col. Eastmen. P.O.W. Camp Douglas - applied for oath. Says: Captured at Will Springs, KY. Remarks: Claims to have been loyal. Enlisted through false representations. Was captured and desires to take oath of allegiance to the U.S. and become a loyal citizen. Taken to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. |
Freddle, Oval H. private Co C (filed with Orval H. Freddle) guerrilla Captured Sumner Co., TN May 29, 1863. Remarks: Sent to Camp Chase June 29, 1863. Private Guerrilla Band at Military Prison Louisville, KY. Rec’d June 19, 1863. Captured Smith CO. TN. May 29, 1863. Discharged, June 29, 1863. Remarks: Sent to Camp Chase. Rec’d at Fort Delaware July 3, 1863 (now listed as private Co. C 14th KY Cav.) O.H. Freedle has file under Private Co C Ward’s Regiment Tenn. Cavalry. Oath taken Fort Delaware Residence; Sumner Co., TN. Complexion sallow, hair mixed, eyes hazel, 5'7" Released June 9, 1865. |
Friar, John W. private Co. D. (Filed with Fryar, John W.) Enlisted Oct. 8, 1861 at Jackson, MS P.O.W. Camp Chase. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Remarks: Wishes to take oath. Oath: (date) March 25, 1865 Residence: Spencer Co., KY Complexion florid, hair black, eyes blue, 5' 9"; Captured July 10, 1863 at Jackson, MS |
Fryer, John W. private Co D (Fryar, John W. Fryor, John W.) |
Furguson, Walter private Co. B Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. |
Fushee, Frank P. Private Co. A |
Fustin, Josiah R. private Capt. J. J. Murphy’s Co detached Cavalry, Morgan’s Brigade. Enlisted Murfreesboro, TN Jan. 1, 1863 by Capt. J.J. Murphy. Duration: For the war. Owed $50.00 On muster roll Oct. 1, 1862 to Jan 1, 1863. P.O.W. Louisville, KY. Captured Morgan Co, KY Sept. 12, 1863. Discharged to Camp Douglas Oct. 2, 1863. P.O.W. roll says: Fuston, Josiah R. private Co. D Dick Morgan’s Regiment. P.O.W. roll rec’d Camp Douglas Oct. 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. |
G. C. Fallis appears on Register of Chimborazo Hospital #2 Richmond, VA. Disease: Ulcer. Admitted March 22, 1865. Furloughed 30 days March 27, 1865. G.C. Fallis (Morgan’s Escort) appears on Register of Wayside Hospital, Farmville, VA March 28, 1865. Transferred March 29, 1865. Appears on Register of Chimborzo Hospital #1 as “list of paroled prisoners furloughed under S.O. 46, A & I.G.O. 1865. March 20, 22, & 24, 1865. Landed: March 21, 1865 at Dutch Gap. P.O. Ab____gdon (unreadable) Co. Washington, Va. |
Gaines, Charles private Co. B. (Filed with Gains, Charles) Captured at Buffington Island July 19, 1863 and rec’d Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. P.O.W. roll Camp Douglas Dec. 1863. Remarks: Wishes to take oath. |
Gardener, P.H. 2nd Lt. Co. B Muster roll: Capt. T. Quirk’s Co. Morgan’s Scouts of Gen’l John H. Morgan’s Brigade. Present: Jan.1, 1862 - Jan. 1, 1863 Paid by Maj. Lewellyn for 2 mos. 15 days: $225.00 on Feb. 1863. |
Garnit, Alexander (filed with Garrett, Alexander) Enlisted Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863 on Oct. 5, 1861 at Horse Cave by Gen’l Reed. Last paid by Capt. Bowen (sp) Aug. 31, 1862 $144.00 for horse. Arrested near Nashville, TN March 8, !862. Remarks: Released Aug. 25, 1862 by order of C. G. (Unreadable). Forwarded from Louisville, KY by order of Gen’l Buell comdg. Dept. Of the Ohio at Nashville to Camp Chase, Oh March 22, 1862. Exchanged from Camp Chase, OH to Vicksburg dated Aug. 25, 1862. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 and rec’d at Camp Morton, July 23, 1863. Forwarded to Camp Douglas, Ill. Aug. 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. Age 23, complexion light, eyes black, hair brown, 5'10" born Spencer Co., KY. |
Garvin, Thomas Houston private Co. B (see also 2nd (Duke’s) Ky. Cav.) Muster roll: Jan. 1, 1862 - Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted Dec. 20, 1862 at Alexandria by Gen’l Morgan for the war. Captured at Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Rec’d at Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Rec’d at Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. (See also Thomas H. Garvin filed with T. U. or V.H. Garvin) |
Geoghegan, Samuel private Co C (filed with Gowhagan, Samuel) |
Gernon, J. G.;(Appears on recpt. Roll for clothing Nov. 21, 1863) |
Gholson, W. W. Capt. Co. B (filed with Capt. Rowan’s Co. KY Part. Rangers) |
Gibbons, Richard private Co. B. Enlisted Oct. 27, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson for 1 year. Jan 1, 1862 - Jan. 1, 1863. Paid by Maj. Boyd Jan. 1, 1862 $144.00 for horse. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Rec’d Aug. 18, 1863 and transferred May 4, 1865. Remarks: forwarded to New Orleans, LA for exchange. Exchanged May 23, 1865. Residence: Lexington, KY. On roll of P.O.W.s for furloughed and detailed men. Surrendered at New Orleans, LA by Gen’l E. K. Smith CSA to Maj. Gen’l E. R.S. Canby USA May 26, 1865. Paroled at Shreveport, LA June 8, 1865. |
Gibbons, William S. private Co. B Enlisted Oct. 27, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson for 1 year. Paid by Maj. Boyd to Jan. 1, 1862 for horse $144.00 Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 sent to Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Transferred Point Lookout, MD. |
Gillock, H. B. private Co C (also listed as Gillock, Ezekial B.) Captured at Cheshire, OH July 20, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred Point Lookout, MD Feb. 24, 1865. Oath: May 22, 1865. Residence Baron Co. KY. Complexion fair, hair brown, eyes blue, 5' 6" Surrendered Washington, GA May 9, 1865. |
Gordon, F. M. Lt. |
Gowhagan, Samuel private Co C Captured Campbellville, KY July 5, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 sent to Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Transferred Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. P.O.W. list Louisville, KY July 12, 1863 discharged to Camp Morton July 29, 1863. Samuel Geoghegan private 2nd Regt. Ky. Inf. Paroled prisoners May 13, 1865. Where: Richmond, VA May 9, 186_ (not dated). Oath: given by Lt. Col. D. M. Evans at Richmond, VA. Residence: Lexington, KY. (There appear to be some discrepancies in this record.) |
Gray, J. B. private Co. B List of P.O.W.s captured by 1st Div. C,C, M.D.M. Captured April 16, 1865 in West _________, GA. By whom: 2nd Brig. Remarks: Transferred to Capt. J. C. Hathaway, Comdg. Mil. Prison Macon, GA April 23, 1865. |
Gregg, George private Co A. (Filed with Greig, George private Co A) |
Guthrey, James private Co. C P.O.W. list from Louisville, KY. Captured at Cythiana, KY on June 14, 1864. Discharged to Camp Morton June 27, 1864. Rec’d Camp Morton June 28, 1864. |
Guthrey, John private Co. C (filed with James Guthrey) |
Hall, Jason private Co. E Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Died April 27, 1864 of small pox. Locality of grave: Near Camp Douglas. |
Handley, William private Co B. Enlisted Sept. 25, 1861 at Camp Burnham by Capt. Morgan. Last paid by Capt. Wilson Oct. 31, 1862. Absent. Remarks: Captured in KY Dec. 26, 1862. |
Harden, Thomas W. private Co. D (see also Thomas Hardin 13th KY Cav) Captured at Buffington Island July 19, 1863 sent to Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. |
Harney, Jacob private Co. D. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 sent to Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Sent to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. |
Harrison, J. O. private Co. B Enlisted Oct. 27, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson for 1 year. Paid by Capt. Butler (?) Oct. 21, 1862. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 sent to Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Oath: Feb. 4, 1865 Residence Fayette Co, KY. Complexion florid, hair light, eyes grey, 5' 81/2". |
Hathaway, Leland 1st Lt & Adjt. (See also 1st Batt, KY. Mounted Rifles and 8th KY Cav.) P.O.W. Sandusky, Ohio Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Joined (?) Cincinnati July 28 186_. Remarks: Sent to Pittsburgh, PA order of Gen’l Burnside Aug. 4, 1863. Fort Delaware P.O.W. June 25, 1864. Remarks: Rec’d. From Point Lookout, MD. P.O.W. record: “forwarded to City Point, VA for exchange March 7, 1865. Captured Irwinsville, GA May 10, 1865. Confined at Fort Mc Henry, MD May 23, 1865. How disposed of: (unreadable) July 14, 1865 per S.O. #135. Remarks: Confined by order of J.(?) A.(?) Rear Admiral Wm. Radford (unreadable.) Captured by Lt. Col. B.D. Prichard, 4th Mich. Cavy. And comprised a part of the party traveling with Jeff Davis and family. Are to be allowed no communication whatever by order of E. M. Stanton, Secty. Of War. P.O.W. roll Fort McHenry dated July 16, 1865. Remarks: Released July 14 in pursuance of instructions from War Dept. Dated (unreadable) office Washington, D.C. July (unreadable) 1865. On parol of Honor that he will report whenever called upon and that he will report his whereabouts weekly by letter to the Secty of War. P.O.W. roll at Penitentiary, Allegheny City, PA Jan. 1, 1864. |
Hause, J.M. private Co A Captured Greenbriar Co. Va. May 1, 1863. Died Dec. 22, 1863 |
Head, Frank private Co A. |
Hedges, Samuel H. private Co. B Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 sent to Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Escaped - age 27 years, 5'11"eyes grey, hair brown, complexion light. |
Hennessey, John private Co A. Recp’t for clothing: 1 pr. Pants, 1 pr. drawers, 1 pr. Shoes & 1 shirt April 3rd, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863 sent to Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Transferred Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. Applied to take oath Feb. 1865. |
Hennisey, John private Co. A (filed with Hennessey, John) |
Henry, Jacob private Co. D (see also 9th KY Cav.) |
Henry, John private Co. A (filed with John E. T. Henry) Arrested: Cheshire, OH July 20, 1863. Arrived Camp Chase July 26, 1863 whence to Cincinnati, OH by order of Brig. Gen’l Cox. Transferred to Camp Douglass Aug. 20, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 20, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD for exchange Feb. 24, 1865. |
Herzog, Lewis G. private Co. B. Captured near Buffington Island. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Remarks: Enlisted in 6th U.S.A. Volunteers Apl. 6, 1865. |
Hickey, David H. private Co B. Enlisted Nov. 14, 1862 (Marshall’s Brigade) at Knoxville by Lt. Mahaffy P.O.W. Camp Chase. Captured Oct. 24, 1861 at Clark Co., KY . Transferred to Johnson’s Island April 17, 1862. Exchanged Aug. 25, 1862. P.O.W. Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. Appears on roll of “Register of refugees and deserters, Provost Marshall, Washington DC July 10, 1865. Reported to this office. Action taken: Transportation provided to Lexington, KY. |
Hicks, James Stephen private Co B. (Quirk’s Scouts) Enlisted Nov. 14, 1862 at Knoxville by Lt. Mahaffy for the war. P.O.W. sent from Camp Chase, OH to Vicksburg to be exchanged Aug. 25, 1862. Absent: Was sent to Murfreesboro on Flag of Truce and restrained by Gen’l Rosecrans. P.O.W. Roll captured at Murfreesboro June 10, 1863 and forwarded to Nashville. Remarks: Sent to City Point James River, VA Feb. 11, 1863. Rec’d Fort McHenry, Feb. 14, 1863. Sent to Fortress Monroe, VA for exchange by order of Major Gen’l Schenck. P.O.W. Camp Morton July 23, 1863.Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. |
Hogan, John H. private Co. C P.O.W. roll Camp Chase, OH. Arrested Salineville, OH July 23, 1863. Rec’d at Camp Chase July 28, 1863. Whence to Wellsville, OH by order of Maj. Gen’l Brooks. Departed Aug. 22, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas and again to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. |
Holmes, R. F. Captain Co. D. Letter in file is unreadable but dated March 4, 1864. Special requisition in file is unreadable. |
Holt, Samuel S. private Co. B Enlisted Aug. 25, 1862 at Bloomfield by Col. Allston for the war. Paid $50.40 for horse. P.O.W. Captured Lincoln Co., KY Aug. 26, 1862. Remarks: arrested on way to join the Rebel Army. P.O.W. Camp Morton July 23, 1863.Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD Feb. 24, 1865. |
Hood, Benjamin F. private Co. A P.O.W. Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD Feb. 24, 1865. |
Howard, Samuel (also known as Stapleton C. Howard 2nd KY Cav.) private Co A P.O.W. Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD Feb. 24, 1865. Headquarters Sub-District of the Rappahanook. New Vediersville, VA. June 6, 1865. I, Stapleton C. Howard do hereby give my solemn Parole of Honor not to take part in hostilities against the government of the United States until properly exchanged and that I will not do anything directly or indirectly to the detriment or disparagement of the authority of the United States, until properly exchanged as aforesaid. Signed: Stapleton S. Howard. Also signed by (unreadable) 1st Lt. 1st N.Y. Mtn. Rifles (unreadable.) Has permission to go to his home in Orange Co. |
Humphrey, Rolla Corporal Co. C P.O.W. Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. |
Humphreys, W. J. (private) |
Humphreys, W. T. private Co E (changed from Co. D) asst. Storekeeper. Co. A Duke’s Morgans Cav.) Feb. 1, 1864 March 31, 1864 paid April 20, 1864 by William Hainis $158.13. Remarks: clothing paid. Muster Roll Demopolis, AL Notes: private Co D. went to 2nd KY Cav. Enlisted Sept. 10, 1862 at Lexington, KY by Lt. Harris to April 1, 1864. Service from May 1, 1863 to Jan. 31, $216.00 on Feb. 1, 1864 by W. F. Haines. Remarks: Furnished his own horses. Found to be “unfit for field duty” and “detailed” by Special Order #219. Born Bardstown, Ky., 19 years old (Oct. 1863) Blue eyes, light hair, fair complexion. Letter dated Oct. 1863, Demopolis, AL almost unreadable. Surrendered at Demopolis, AL May 29, 1865 from Lt. Gen. R. Taylor CSA to Maj. Gen. E. R. S. Canby USA. |
Hunter, Jesse T. private Co D P.O.W. Louisville, KY Sept. 1. 1863. Captured Silver Spring, TN. Aug. 26, 1863 P.O.W. (Discrepancy in records) Jesse T Hunter private Co. D died of dysentery Aug, 7, 1864. Number of Grave: #1251 Chicago City Cemetery. |
Hutchason, Hutty M. private Co B. (Filed with Hutchison, Hutty M.) P.O.W. Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD Feb. 24, 1865. (Appears in signature col. As Hutley M. Hutchism.) |
Hutchison, M. private Co B Enlisted Dec. 7, 1861 at Camp Burnham by Capt. Morgan for 1 year. Paid by Maj. Boyd to Jan 1, 1862 for horse $144.00 |
Ingle, W. private Co. B. On report of P.O.W.s who have died at Fort Delaware from April 1 to April, 15, 1864. Captured Jacksontown, KY. Oct. 2, 1863. Died April 14, 1864. Cause of death: Inflammation of lungs. Locality of grave: On Jersey shore opposite post. Remarks: No effects. |
Ingram, Thomas private Co. C. P.O.W. Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. Note in pencil at bottom: Name canceled. |
Ish, William D. Sergeant Co A. P.O.W. Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD Feb. 24, 1865. |
J. M. Rice (Morgan’s Body Guard) Listed as: Deserters from the rebel army. Rec’d Feb. 13, 1864. Reported to: Louisville. KY. Feb. 13, 1864. Reported to: Louisville Feb. 12, 1864. Discharged: Feb. 25, 1864. By whose order: Gen. Burbridge. Remarks: From Maj. Fitch oath & s&n during the war. Oath: Feb. 29, 1864. Residence Louisville, KY. Complexion fair, hair dark, eyes hazel, 5'6". Remarks: Conscript, deserter, reported. Knoxville, TN. Name appears in column of names as: Jas. H. Rice. |
James T. Carpenter Co. B to Camp Douglas from Camp Morton Aug. 17, 1863. T. Carpenter escaped from Camp Douglas during the month of Nov. 1863. |
James, David H. private Co. A P.O.W. Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD Feb. 24, 1865 for exchange. |
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